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本記事はパテントサロン管理人でいらっしゃいます大坪和久さん主催の「知財系 Advent Calendar 2022」の12/12分の記事として投稿しています。



材料系の出願には実施例の評価結果を含む表が載っていることがあります。その中でもヒトが観察して評価した結果を◎、〇、△、✕などの印で表しているものをたまに見かけます。これらの印は日本特有のもので他の国の人には通じにくかったり違う意味に解釈されてしまったりするようです。また、外国出願用の明細書中に◎~△(日本語フォント)の印を入れられないので、外国出願でも表(PDF)にこれらの印を残したい場合は明細書の中で各印を説明する際に、これらの印を例えば英語ならdouble circle, circle, triangle, crossなどと書き出す必要があります。

こういう印やその説明をどう訳すべきかを判断するために、Google Patentsなどで同じ出願人による過去の出願を検索して参考にすることもあります。


英語圏ではこういう評価結果がどう書かれているかを調べてみました。たった一企業の例ですが、プロクター・アンド・ギャンブル(Procter & Gamble Co)の数件を紹介いたします。いずれも対応日本出願があるので、どう和訳されているのかをご覧いただくことも可能です。ただし、諸事情により、今回は和訳の貼り付けは割愛し、対応日本出願データ(Google Patents)へのリンクのみを貼り付けております。




The above formulations VII, VIII, IX, X, and XI were rated by consumers in a usage test. 10 independent test groups of approximately 20 panelists were instructed to use the product as they normally would. 5 of the test groups, each using one of the formulas VII, VIII, IX, X, and XI were instructed to use the product for a single day, and rate their overall opinion of the product after using the product based on a 5 point scale. (100=Excellent, 75=Very Good, 50=Good, 25=Fair, 0=Poor). Separately, the other 5 test groups, each using one of the formulas VII, VIII, IX, X, and XI were instructed to use the product for a four week period, and rate their overall opinion of the product based on the same 5 point scale defined above. Results indicate that formulas are rated parity after a single day usage, but the resistance to habituation shown in table 5 yields an improved usage rating, only after a four week period.




The ability to foam was assessed by shaking the aerosol container for 10 seconds and then seeing if 5 grams could be dispensed into a weigh boat. The foam quality was assessed by spreading the foam and assessing the ability to spread without foam collapse on a qualitative scale (+++ excellent, ++ good, + fair, − poor).

Wet Combing Test (on the Day of the Final Treatment Cycle):
After the last treatment cycle, the treated hair tresses were wrapped in aluminum foil and labeled in groups. During the panel, a hair tress from each leg grouping was hung on a metal bar and with each switch being detangled with the wider spacing teeth on a professional comb. The panelists then evaluated the ease of wet combing of the switches using the ‘small end’ of a professional comb (using gloved hand to stabilize switch while combing if needed) and record scores on the provided evaluation form (0-10 scale). After all 5 sets of hair have been combed (2 panelists per hair set), hang carts with hair in CT room (50% RH, 70 F).
Dry Combing Test (at Least One Day after the Wet Combing Test):
The dried hair switches from each treatment group were placed in separate metal holders hanging side by side on a metal bar. The panelists evaluated the ease of dry combing of the switches using the ‘small end’ of a professional comb and record scores on the provided evaluation form (0-10 scale; 2 panelists per hair set).




One switch from each group is removed from the foil and hung in a holder marked with the corresponding treatment identification. Panelists are asked to evaluate “ease of wet detangling” using the large end of a professional styling comb and then “ease of wet combing” using the small end of the same comb (on a 0 to 10 scale with 0 representing “hard” and 10 representing “easy”). The individual switches are left to hang and dry overnight and evaluated by the panelists for dry combing using only the small end of the comb. Evaluation of the “dry combing body” of the hair switch is performed separately from the evaluation of the “dry combing ends” of the hair switch (on a 0 to 10 scale with 0 representing “hard” and 10 representing “easy”).







最後までお読みいただきありがとうございました。引き続き知財系知財系もっとAdvent Calendar 2022も楽しみながら素敵なクリスマスシーズンをお過ごしください。